Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Much Love!!
To my surprise one of my songs was featured in the New Music section of hiphopupdate.blogspot.com......It's called The Commissioner....It's my shit personally...A lot of people tend to like "Hustle" more than anything but "The Commissioner" is my shit...I got a clip from the Dark Knight on there....but anyway Big Ups to HipHopUpdate.blogspot.com for showing me some love....much appreciated and to FakeShoreDrive.com too...my dude Andrew stay throwin one of my songs up there for people to comment on....and thanks to those who actually take the time out to lend their ear...that's what's up...hopefully I can have more people feel the music....anyway here is the link to "The Commissioner"
[URL=http://www.zshare.net/audio/2056945298beb73e/]02_The_Comissioner.mp3 - 2.92MB[/URL]
[URL=http://www.zshare.net/audio/2056945298beb73e/]02_The_Comissioner.mp3 - 2.92MB[/URL]

Three found, busted after getting lost in sewer
Three blockheaded teenagers were busted playing in a sewer Wednesday in Queens - after getting lost while pretending to be Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, police sources said.
Schiller Milfort, 16, of Hollis, and Marvin Ottley, 17, of Bellaire, along with an unidentified 15-year-old boy, were shirtless and in their shorts and sneakers when firefighters plucked them out of a sewer in Kissena Park.
The make-believe heroes were crawling around the sewer system when they got confused and lost their way, police sources said.
They were not injured, officials said.
"These three idiots were playing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and wanted to go into the sewers," said one police source. "They were never in danger, just goofing off and being stupid."
Milfort and Ottley were charged with criminal trespassing. The other teenager was released to his parents.
I fuckin love it.....three grown men taking off their fuckin shirts and goin into the fuckin sewer....lol....naw seriously this has to be the funniest story i have ever heard...What the fuck were you doin down there?..Don't they know it's real shit goin on out here?...You stupid son of a bitch!! You know it's fucked up when the law says you were idiots in a national newspaper....You ain't shit!!!
P.S. Please tell me why the one on my left has on arm pads?
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Presidential Debate!!

I GUESS!!!!! If that's what you want to call it....This dude McCain really gets on my nerves...Last night he went on to state that Senator and hopefully my next President, Barack Obama has not made an effort to repudiate some things that have been said in a negative aspect about McCain...Then he goes on to state that every single time someone is out of line with comments in regards to Obama, he immediately corrects them..(imitating Charlie Murphy)...WRONG....WRONG...what about the individual who just yelled "Kill Him" in regards to Obama at a recent rally.....what about his VP selection (who we won't talk bad about cuz she is doin the best she can)who at her own rallies says things like Barack is running around with Terrorist's?....Then this man goes on some more to say how Senator Obama has spent more money on a negative campaign than any other presidential nominee....Has Senator McCain's mind gone completely haywire since he began taking his medication for his early stages of Alzheimer's??...Barack Obama has raised more money than any Presidential Hopeful EVER....that's right....EVER....and FACT: Obama's campaign is 80 percent...80% about the issues at hand and only 20% negativity...and I think the only reason there is negativity is because the negativity from the other party has weighed so heavily on this campaign...hence the reason why Barack felt as though he had to explain himself last night when it comes to William Ayers, etc.....This shouldn't have been discussed at the Presidential Debate when the stock market is steady falling and people are losing their homes on a daily basis....no one is safe anymore....hell even the NBA said today that they are cutting jobs....Wake up people....Wake up!!!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Time for CHANGE

Make sure you tune in at 8 tonight to watch the final Presidential Debate.... I will be glued to the TV cuz John McCain said that tonight he is gonna whop Obama....yea right....He needs to worry about gettin Sarah Palin a hooked on phonics program to help with her ability to comprehend....REAL TALK...but this time it should be real interesting....i want to kno what Barack has to say about domestic policy which is supposed to be the topic for tonight....get on your politics game people....NOV. 4th is the day....GO VOTE...
Walmart Busts Three Men for Fraud After Accidentally Selling Them Empty Computer Boxes
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
CHANDLER, Ariz. — Three men from Mexico have been arrested in what authorities are calling a stolen credit card scam.
Adolfo Paz Gracia, 35, Javier Carreno Cruz, 29, and Jose Diaz Valenzuela, 29, were booked into Fourth Avenue Jail in Phoenix on three counts of forgery and one count of fraud schemes each.
Chandler police responded Sunday to a Wal-Mart store when employees reported three men bought a laptop computer and returned with an empty box, claiming a laptop was never in it.
Thinking the men were attempting to defraud the store, store employees called police.
When police arrived, one of the men ran away. During the chase, he threw credit cards to the ground. Police recovered the cards and determined they were forgeries.
Authorities say further investigation showed the three had 19 forged credit cards, which they allegedly had used to buy electronic items from other Wal-Mart stores in the Phoenix metropolitan area.
The counterfeit credit cards were encoded with valid stolen credit card numbers and police say an investigation is ongoing to identify the account holders.
Store employees later discovered they had indeed sold an empty box to the three men.
All I gotta say is Karma is a bitch and I don't wanna give her none of my time.....lol....but for real....this is gotta be America's Dumbest Criminals 2008....why the fuck are ya'll even gonna argue wit the people at WalMart knowin you jus got them for they merch....if they left out the laptop fuck it....we got 19 more credit cards and we can get 100 more fuckin laptops....I can just imagine seeing the one dude take off as the law came in....hahahaha....then the cards fallin out...this had to be classic...I wish I was there when it happened....I would've prolly laughed like Nelson from the Simpsons....HA HA....
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
CHANDLER, Ariz. — Three men from Mexico have been arrested in what authorities are calling a stolen credit card scam.
Adolfo Paz Gracia, 35, Javier Carreno Cruz, 29, and Jose Diaz Valenzuela, 29, were booked into Fourth Avenue Jail in Phoenix on three counts of forgery and one count of fraud schemes each.
Chandler police responded Sunday to a Wal-Mart store when employees reported three men bought a laptop computer and returned with an empty box, claiming a laptop was never in it.
Thinking the men were attempting to defraud the store, store employees called police.
When police arrived, one of the men ran away. During the chase, he threw credit cards to the ground. Police recovered the cards and determined they were forgeries.
Authorities say further investigation showed the three had 19 forged credit cards, which they allegedly had used to buy electronic items from other Wal-Mart stores in the Phoenix metropolitan area.
The counterfeit credit cards were encoded with valid stolen credit card numbers and police say an investigation is ongoing to identify the account holders.
Store employees later discovered they had indeed sold an empty box to the three men.
All I gotta say is Karma is a bitch and I don't wanna give her none of my time.....lol....but for real....this is gotta be America's Dumbest Criminals 2008....why the fuck are ya'll even gonna argue wit the people at WalMart knowin you jus got them for they merch....if they left out the laptop fuck it....we got 19 more credit cards and we can get 100 more fuckin laptops....I can just imagine seeing the one dude take off as the law came in....hahahaha....then the cards fallin out...this had to be classic...I wish I was there when it happened....I would've prolly laughed like Nelson from the Simpsons....HA HA....
YP - The Commissioner
Ok, so like I said in the welcome statement, I rap and all that other shit...lol...Well, I have a mixtape that's currently out and ready for download.....it's called Street Royalty and it is hosted by Dj Bamn....Below is the link for it on Datpiff.com....also it's embeded on my page at myspace.com/yp27.....shameless plug but I gotta get my info out somehow.....Damn it's late as hell and I gotta be up early as shit....my bad ya'll just typin my thoughts out....anyway here goes an "exclusive" that wasn't on that mixtape...just some shit I got laying around....lol....
[URL=http://www.zshare.net/audio/2056945298beb73e/]02_The_Comissioner.mp3 - 2.92MB[/URL]
Street Royalty
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Bump is Back!!!
Big Homie has been hiding...hopefully gettin that new deal....Peep what he says about Yung Berg.....this dude is steady taking L's....what ya'll think.....Bump killed the freestyle though......
Monday, October 13, 2008
Bears LOST Again!!! 20 - 22

I was watching this game and then I fell asleep cuz I was bored with it personally. For some odd reason the CBS wasn't working so I couldn't catch the other game. At first everything was fine. I had a plate of hot food in front of me and something to roll up. The food was devoured and my plants were calmly up in smoke under the Cheech and Chong act....lol....By the time I fell asleep we were down 9 to 3. What a way to wake up though, a text message that put a smile on my face saying "You miss me?" and then just as my smile reaches full potential, I see this bastard Jason Elam kicking the field goal that had everyone's heart drop faster than the stock on Wall Street. That's some bull!!!!!!!!Urlacher betta pick it up soon!!!

I don't know about ya'll but Winter is approaching fast and last year these were it. I agree they are the shit and I need a fresh pair for November. The ACG Boots are like a must right now. Remember how the Buffalino's were in '97, and then the Lugz boots from '98 with the white and black shoe strings.......wow that was the shit....lol....what ya'll think...
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Ok so first of all my name is YP and I'm from the Eastside of Chicago. I rap and all that good shit. The reason for this blog is to let the outside world into my thoughts. So basically everything that will be posted on here will be some sort of reflection of me. Whether it be some funny shit, smart intelligent post or whatever, it's gonna be based on my views on certain things. Feel free to leave comments on whatever is posted.
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